Dearest blog reader, I apologize that it has been pretty quiet around here recently, but I was taking a much needed extended weekend and if you follow me on instagram (@shortpresents) you would have…
Hydrate while you cool down in this hot humid weather with this healthy alternative to a favorite summertime treat! These popsicles are naturally sweet and perfectly hydrating. Swapping in the coconut water for a…
After copious amounts of activities out and about under the summer sun you might find yourself in want of an energy boost, but not necessarily that from a hot coffee! This recipe is perfect…
I love poached eggs, I almost always order them when I am out for breakfast or brunch. I’ve frequently have gone out for breakfast just because I wanted poached eggs, never thinking that I…
I’m going to admit something blog reader and please don’t judge me, but I’ve never roasted a chicken before. I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself, but hey, you have to start…
This weekend as you know was Mother’s Day and what better day to indulge than Mother’s Day? Mums do so much and never ask for any recognition. My mother is my hero (it sounds…
In case you’ve missed it here’s a recap of some recent recipes, and also a little glimpse of what I’ve been eating lately. Please note that there’s also been a large number of double chocolate chip…
While I was in New York City last summer we stopped in this little place on the Upper East Side after visiting the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum. To this day I…
When four bloggers pile into a car and head on a road trip adventure together: amazing things happen. If you follow any of these lovely ladies above you know that we were just in…
I realize Oatmeal isn’t everyone’s favorite, but when it comes to putting together a quick nutritious meal that will fill you up and keep you going this is my go-to. Also it’s what I…